Language Teaching Journal (LT) established in 2020 is a biannual, peer reviewed and refereed professional journal run by the Iran Language Institute (ILI). LT has been accredited the scientific ranking by the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance. LT fosters inquiry into language teaching by providing a forum to share research findings and explore ideas and interconnections in the field. LT welcomes contributions in such areas of current enquiry as: first and second language learning and teaching, language and culture, (critical) discourse analysis, reflective language teaching, language policy, planning, and practice, language testing, multilingual education, distant education, interlanguage pragmatics, ESP/EAP, materials development and evaluation, etc.

LT welcomes full research article submissions. Papers submitted to this journal should not have been previously published elsewhere and may not simultaneously be submitted to another journal to be considered for publication. Furthermore, the journal strictly follows the publication ethics and it is expected of authors, reviewers and editors that they follow the best-practice guidelines on ethical behavior.

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